This research work is aimed at studying Information Technology and the Performance of the Nigeria Stock Exchange with a particular reference to the Nigerian Stock Exchange Kaduna. The objective of the study is to analyze the activities of the Nigerian Stock Exchange to see how effectively and efficiently it has satisfied the company’s financial demand and to identify the problems if any that have affected it performance in the past. Relevant literatures were reviewed from textbooks and journals relating to capital market and its contribution to industrial development in developing countries like Nigeria. In collection of data, questionnaire and personal interview and research instrument were used as instruments. Data collected through the questionnaires were analyzed. The result of the analysis collected led to the findings and conclusion was drawn on them. Recommendations were made in respect of improving the efficiency and public image through the provision of some vital patterns necessary for the success of Nigeria Stock Exchange in the economy.
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This study examines the prospects for and challenges against reforming the UN Security Council...
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This research examines the influence of employee engagement on business performance. Objectives are: (1) to assess the impact of engagement initiat...
Narration as a concept is the weaving of several strands of events into a story. This means narrative comes...
This study assessed the Principals‟ Supervisory Practice on Teachers‟ Role Performance in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna Sta...
ABSTRACT: Exploring the role of early childhood education in teachin...
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of b...